Pr Jean-Pierre Chavoin, chirurgien plastique

Contact a referral surgeon

Pr Jean-Pierre Chavoin

Ex chef de service - Chirurgien conseil

CHU de Toulouse - Hôpital de Rangueil

Service de chirurgie plastique et reconstructive
1, Avenue du Pr Jean Poulhès - 31059 Toulouse

+ 33 (0)5 61 32 27 45

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Clinical case

Clinical case: calf atrophy treated with implants by Prof. Chavoin

Clinical Case : calf atrophy

Case presentation It is a sequel from a talipes equinovarus operated initially by a classic Achilles tendon lengthening technique to correct the deformity of the foot. The partial atrophy of the leg concerns the bones, the joints and the muscles. It does not induce major functional discomfort but…...Read more