PD Dr. med. Ulf Dornseifer
Chefarzt der Klinik für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie
ISAR Kliniken GmbH, Munchen
Sonnenstraße 24 - 26 - D-80331 München +49 (0) 89 149 903 – 7700
Chest contour should be always considered in breast asymmetry cases, as correction of chest deformity by breast implants only, increases the deformity. Thoracic wall deformities can be reliably corrected by custom-made implants.
Chest contour should be always considered in breast asymmetry cases, as correction of chest deformity by breast implants only, increases the deformity. Thoracic wall deformities can be reliably corrected by custom-made implants.